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Armas de Tienda

BIT-Cannon BOT type: Any Item type: Gun Req. Level: 1
The BIT-Cannon is a standard static gun with a damage rating of 60.
Proc-Ray BOT type: Any Item type: Gun Req. Level: 5
The Proc-Ray uses focused electrons that pack a damage rating of 68.
G60-Core-Blaster BOT type: Any Item type: Gun Req. Level: 15
Damage rated at 77, this blaster will keep foes away.
PaletteGun BOT type: Any Item type: Gun Req. Level: 25
A beam of condensed particles cause 87 damage to enemies.
LightningShot BOT type: Any Item type: Gun Req. Level: 35
Pure electricity spews from this gun for 98 damage.
HeloBlazer BOT type: Any Item type: Gun Req. Level: 45
Energy from light is converted to 110 damage points on enemies.
AuraBlazer BOT type: Any Item type: Gun Req. Level: 55
Enemies better duck when a whooping 122 damage comes their way.
Launcher BOT type: Any Item type: Gun Req. Level: 65
Energized projectiles deal out a heavy 134 damage
PolarSpike BOT type: Any Item type: Gun Req. Level: 75
Frosty damage from this weapon causes 146 in damage
ShockSpike BOT type: Any Item type: Gun Req. Level: 85
Send a shocking greeting to enemies with 158 damage.
Hydra-Cannon BOT type: Any Item type: Gun Req. Level: 90
Explosive frost damage! 240 damage, 45 ammo, 12 recharge

Team Ohka 2024 ∙ Acclaim BOTS Remake ∙ Astro v5.1.1 2024-12-20 Contact us